*********************************************** integration_loadBalanceModule_in_LibMultiScale *********************************************** shared variables LibMultiScale ******************************* GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINITION ARE IN ~/Bureau/src_libmultiscale/simulpack/mechanics/data.h extern double * coordinates; /* nodal coordinates (x) */ mesh->nodes with adaptation extern int * connectivity; /* element connectivity (ix) */ extern int * element_type; /* element type (ie) */ depends on mesh->elm_size extern int nodes; /* current number of nodes (numnp) */ mesh->nb_nodes extern int nodes_element; /* number of nodes/element (nen) */ mesh->elm_size extern int elements; /* current number of elements (numel) */ mesh->nb_cells extern int dof_node; /* number of dof per node (ndf) */ extern int spatial_dimension; /* spatial dimension (ndm) */ coordinates = malloc(max_node_label*spatial_dimension*sizeof(double)); connectivity = malloc(elements*nodes_element*sizeof(int)); element_type = malloc(elements*sizeof(int)); DEBUG printf("\n***************\nmax_node_label = %d\n***************\n", max_node_label); printf("\n*******************************************************************\n"); printf("adlib_myrank = %d\n", adlib_myrank); printf("nodes = %d\n", nodes); printf("nodes_element = %d\n", nodes_element); printf("elements = %d\n", elements); printf("dof_node = %d\n", dof_node); printf("spatial_dimension = %d\n", spatial_dimension); int i = 0; printf("coordinates = [ "); for(i = 0 ; i 1) coordinates[spatial_dimension*i+1] = mesh.nodes[3 * nodeRank + 1]; if (spatial_dimension > 2) coordinates[spatial_dimension*i+2] = mesh.nodes[3 * nodeRank + 2]; } /* filling in connectivity array ( in case of triangle element_i --> [node1, node2, node3] ) */ for (i = 0 ; i