
The questionnaire is here.

Question 1

Is society (France and US) becoming too politically correct?

Over half of people taking the American survey say yes.

Question 2

Which main stereotype fits each region in US and France?

In the US, most people think the "redneck" or "hick" stereotype fits people in the South. Most people also think the "snobbish" or "rude" stereotype fits people in the South. A general stereotype that people think fit Americans is "stupid" or "uncultured". Americans in this survey also think the "rude" stereotype fits people in France, but also "cultured".

Question 3

What region do you think is most strongly stereotyped?

Most Americans taking the survey think that the region of the South is most stereotyped in the United States.

Question 4

Are all stereotypes bad? Are their any that are good?

Most Americans taking the survey acknowledge that there are positive stereotypes, but the action of making and believing in stereotypes is bad.

Question 5

How and why are stereotypes taken and made?

Americans taking the survey believe that most people need to generalize things they see about groups of people in order to make sense of things and identify them; that it is not necessarily a voluntary action. Also, many people think the media has a lot of influence on this.

Question 6

Have you ever been in France?

Half of the Americans taking the survey had been to France, half had not.

Question 7

If not, have you ever been in contact with French people?

All the Americans taking this however, have had some contact with French people.

Question 8

What is your immediate reaction when you were in the other country?

I really didn’t get a clear answer from this…so I don’t think we should include it on the website.

Question 9

Did you try to speak the local language when there?

Nearly all of the Americans taking the survey who had been to another country attempted to speak the native language.

Question 10

Did you notice differences between people who live in Paris versus the rest of France?

Everyone but one American who took this survey and has been to France thinks there are differences between people who live in Paris versus the rest of France.

Question 11

What do you think about French food?

Most Americans taking the survey like the idea of French food and thinks it would be good, but have not had authentic French food.

Question 12

What is the first adjective in your mind when we speak about France?

Americans taking the survey used the following adjectives to describe France; Sophisticated, Parisian, proud, Funny, Large, nice, romanctic

Question 13

What is your main source of information?

Most Americans get general information from media sources such as movies, tv, and internet where they agree that there are stereotypes. They get information about the French from classes and interaction with French people.

Question 14

When you travel, do you prefer go to the North, the South or the West?

Most Americans taking this survey tend to travel to the North or to beaches in the United States.

Question 15

Would you marry someone who was from another region (North/South/West)?

Nearly every American taking this survey would marry someone from another region.