our research

Some extracts from movies and videos
"Bienvenue chez les Ch'ti" : This film shows us the stereotypes by refuting them. This film was a very strong success with half of French who saw it.

You Have No Idea-Crash : This video clip is from the movie "Crash" and shows two African Americans talking about how white Americans think of them as criminals.

Neutralize It-Crash : This video clip is also from the movie Crash and shows a white American who is a politician and needs votes from more African Americans. He confuses an Iraqi man for an African American because they both have dark skin. This shows stereotypes of African Americans and Iraqis in the United States.

The parisian : This is an example of the parisien being rude.

Some links
Stereotypes that french people have on americains
A cartoon from ilovedixie.com that shows the stereotypes that people have of each other in the south and north United States. "Yankee" is a term that southerners call northerners and "redneck" is a term that northerners call southerners.
This cartoon shows general stereotypes of people from the south in the United States. It portrays that they are stupid, poor, play the banjo, etc.
This cartoon is from the New Yorker magazine and shows the stereotype that Americans think French people don't shower.
This cartoon shows what Americans think the stereotypical French person is.
An american who is trying to be more french
How the french act to americans